
How to Start a Consciousness-Based School


Our International Foundation of Consciousness Based Education™ provides Consciousness Based–Total Knowledge Based–curricula, courses, faculty and principal development programmes, and guidelines for university and school levels, both for Consciousness Based institutions and for other private, public, or charter schools and institutions. 

To help you start a Consciousness Based school or university, or to implement Transcendental Meditation®in existing schools or universities, the following courses are available: 

1. One-Day Seminar for Starting a Consciousness Based Middle or Secondary School 

2. One-Day On-Site Seminar for University and School Leaders Who Are Interested in Offering Transcendental Meditation in Their Institutions 

3. The Consciousness-Based Education Programme in Schools: Principles, Practice, and Results–16-Hour Introductory DVD Course on Consciousness Based Education 

4. Education Leaders’ Course: Creating Ideal Consciousness Based Schools and Universities. Seminar for practitioners and teachers of the TM technique. 

For more information on these courses as well as packages of knowledge that have been developed to take you through the step by step process of starting a Consciousness Based School, College, or University please contact us.