Is it possible to verify that someone is truly living in enlightenment? For decades scientists have grappled with the concept of higher states of consciousness, generally dismissing them as mystical or philosophical, to be taken on faith. Maharishi changed this by clearly detailing the development of higher states of consciousness and inspiring scientists to define specific, measurable parameters of the predicted highly refined physiological functioning.
Dr. Fred Travis, a leading researcher in this field and director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition at Maharishi University of Management in Iowa, USA, has said, ‘The human brain appears to have an innate capacity to function at much higher levels, where mental processes become very calm, precise, and efficient–without common anxieties, frustrations or unhappiness. The results of our research are important because they validate via Western science the experiences of higher consciousness–deep inner peace, bliss, unbounded awareness, and oneness with the universe–that have been esteemed throughout the ages.’
Research on individuals developing an enlightened state of consciousness has indicated higher moral development, higher morale, more frequent peak experiences in life, more good ‘luck’, a more restful style of physiological functioning during activity (lower heart rate and breath rate), heightened wakefulness and alertness shown through increased coherence in brain functioning throughout the day, faster recovery from stress, and greater stability of the autonomic nervous system throughout the day.
Through this research, modern science, for the first time, has documented the existence of what ancient traditions have spoken of over the millennia as the state of enlightenment.
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- The Transcendental Meditation technique
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Parts of the text on this page were taken from The Complete Book of Yogic Flying by Craig Pearson, PhD